An architecture for information

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My attention was captured by an expression: „from news to experience”. Federico Badaloni, responsible for the Information architecture department at„ Gruppo editorial L’Espresso” started to explain the terminology.

To figure out what information architecture actually means, we modified the definition of Edwin Shlossberg slightly. As result we got: „Information architecture is about creating a context in which other people can think and act”. Just giving information is not enough anymore. In our days journalism does not only produce content but also needs to take actions.

Journalists should know what’s the difference between a limited journalism and unlimited. Usually a limit shows that you can’t go through something, but to get stronger you need to pass it. A newspaper has a limit, its number of pages. Because of this, we have a direction which allows us to understand what kind of information is more important.

But this system now has gone, because the internet does not have any limits, we need to understand that the net is a graph. There is no direction at all.

„Digital is real, because digital is connected with our life. The net is not something false, it is not an another world” Badaloni says.

There is one important consequence: First of all, the home page is not a portal. It is no page you need to pass to see the rest of the site. Journalism is not about producing objects or information, but places. These places are made of functions.
So we need to create a journalism suiting the new eco system.

Vlada Toma

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