
The Forum for European Journalism Students (FEJS) is an international organization dedicated to the exchange of information between European Journalism students, young professionals and even citizens interested in the journalism field. The Forum attempts to bring such individuals together and promote interaction and networking while providing them with educational tools and framework to improve their knowledge and professional skills.

FEJS International v. z. w. is also a non-profit organization registered under Belgian legislation. It has three main bodies which are the Executive Board, the Secretariat and the General Assembly who act upon organization’s Rules and regulations. We prepare two main events every year – an Annual Congress, held in spring, and a General Assembly, which takes place in autumn.


Story of FEJS has begun in 1985, when Kim Sjer, journalism student from Aarhus, Denmark, has written a letter to his colleague Theo Dersjant at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. He proposed to organize a meeting of European journalism students. So they gathered a few friends, wrote to all journalism student’s institutions in Western Europe and in year 1986 the FEJS had their first international meeting which took place near Utrecht and united more than sixty journalism students from fifteen universities and from eight different countries. The participants decided to have annual meetings and they have also chosen a name for their new organization – FEJS.

In the name of FEJS you can find four main ideas concerning the concept of our organization. Together they form the pillars sustaining the essence and nature of the project.

1. Forum

The Forum is a place where representatives from different European countries or regions are to present and discuss issues concerning their student or professional life. The FEJS is a host for the meeting of cultures from all over Europe and it wishes to promote the interaction between them. Within this Forum the exchange of different experiences is a reality that generates a debate over common problems and different solutions.


Nowadays FEJS has regular participations from over 300 schools all over the Europe and some even from other continents. With our activities we wish to promote any means of discussion or exchange of ideas concerning journalism between organizations and individuals from Europe. The current priorities of the organization are to create means of self-management within countries, to develop partnerships with other international organizations and gain new members.

But for most of our members FEJS is much more – it is an organization where you can find new friends from all over Europe, gain new connections for your journalism work, talk with people who have similar interests, get some knowledge and experience, speak freely of your points of view and travel, because each of our event takes place in different country.


Email: fejsint@gmail.com

Stichting Forum European Journalism Students International
Telefoonweg 191
6711NB Ede
The Netherlands

KVK 66418968