These Rules and Regulations are based on the statutes of the Stichting FEJS international based in The Netherlands.

A non-profit association is hereby incorporated under the laws of The Netherlands. Its name is Stichting Forum for European Journalism Students international abbreviated as Stichting FEJS international hereinafter referred to as the Association. Both the full and the abbreviated names may be used indistinguishably.

The Stichting FEJS international is the umbrella organisation of all local FEJS Satellites.

The Forum for European Journalism Students was founded informally in 1985 by Danish and Dutch journalism students.

All acts, invoices, announcements, publicity, letters, orders and other documents issued by the Association, shall indicate the full name or the abbreviated name of the Association.

  1. The Goals

The Stichting FEJS international aims to create an international understanding among students of journalism, media and/or communication and young professionals interested in journalism. It does so by:

  1. Promoting cooperation between education institutions in journalism, media and/or communication on a national and international level
  2. Fostering exchange projects and work experience possibilities for journalism, media and/or communication students
  3. Arranging a minimum of two annual events Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  4. Stimulating networking and cooperation between its participants
  5. Fostering and supporting the Satellites of the Association and the Bodies of the Association by means of advice
  6. .Maintaining a platform for media and/or communications students and young journalists
  7. Being an information centre for European journalism, media and communication students
  8. The Status

The Association is an independent forum and is not influenced by any governmental, political, religious nor commercial organisation. It is strictly a non-profit-making organisation.

  1. The Bodies

The Association consists of the following bodies:

  1. The Executive Board hereinafter referred to as the EB
  2. The Secretariat hereinafter referred to as the SEC
  3. The Supervisory Board hereinafter referred to as the SUB

3.1 Stichting FEJS International official participants

Stichting FEJS International has the following types of participants:

  1. Stichting FEJS International Satellites (See paragraph 3.4)
  2. Delegation leader: A participant in charge of a local FEJS satellite
  3. National Coordinators: A participant who is in charge of being in contact with Universities and other educations and organisations within his or her region or nation that are involved in journalism, media and/or communication, in order to spread the knowledge about the Association to possible future members
  4. Individual participants: An individual participant is a member who fulfils the requirements as stated in the Rules and Regulations of the Association
  5. Honorary participants: A participant can be promoted to an Honorary member by the GA meeting
  6. Affiliated participants or partners: Persons from other organisations that have prominently aided the Association

3.2. The General Assembly

The Supervisory board (SUB) is the controlling body of the Association during the GA.

The GA consists of representatives of the following Association bodies:

  1. The EB
  2. The SEC
  3. The SUB
  4. The Associations Satellites
  5. The National Coordinators and individual participants of the Association

The delegation leader or national coordinator is part of SUB and votes in the name of the participants. They assemble at least once a year. The SEC is responsible for the election procedures. The SUB has a right to vote upon any changes to the Associations Statutes and the AssociationĜs Rules and Regulations and elects the Executive Board and Secretariat. The SUB also votes upon the arrangement of the Annual Congress and is the Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations controlling power within the Association in accordance with the Statutes and Rules and Regulations.

It is the responsibility of the EB to find an Organising Committee, hereinafter referred to as the OC, for the GA, which will be in charge of the logistics of the GA. If needed, an emergency GA can be called at any time by the EB directly or after a common request of a minimum of five countries represented in the previous GA.

3.2.1. The General Assembly Participants

  1. At least one member from each satellite should attend the GA meeting. If there is no satellite, the national coordinator will be the representative
  2. The attenders of the Association that have attended several events are especially advised to take part in the GA
  3. The members of the EB and of the Secretariat. All members must attend the GA meeting but are not considered as representatives from their country The SEC can choose to accept extra participants, who will also be considered a part of the country’s delegation.

3.2.2. The SUB Duties and Powers:

  1. Every member of the FEJS bodies – The Executive Board, The Secretariat and The Supervisory Board – has the right to propose a change to the Rules and Regulations to the EB. It is the EBĜs duty to implement the proposals to the following GA where it has to be voted on by the SUB
  2. Controlling the long term strategy for the Association
  3. Voting on the financial plan for the upcoming year for the Association Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  4. Electing an Organising Committee for the Annual Congress of the second upcoming year
  5. Electing a new Executive Board annually and Secretariat every second year

3.2.3. The General Assembly Voting

  1. Each delegation represented at the GA meeting has one vote through the SUB. The leader of every delegation is responsible for the vote of the delegation. The leader of the delegation must vote in accordance with the decision of the delegation of that country
  2. Proposals have to be presented to the SEC at least two hours before the voting session takes place. The delegations must obtain the list of proposals that will be voted on at least one hour before voting
  3. The voting is done by a secret ballot in the case of EB, SEC and OC. For Rules and Regulations and other voting sessions there can be a free vote
  4. The results of the voting session can be obtained from the SEC after the decision in order to ensure that the representative has voted according to the decision of the country if the delegation wishes so
    1. Changes to the Rules and Regulations of the Association is valid if two-thirds of the represented countries support the proposal. In all other voting sessions, a simple majority is sufficient.

A country is defined by a nation that has at least one active participant in the Association if there are several regional Satellites in a country, or a Satellite and a National Coordinator, they must form a common delegation and thus have one vote. Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations

3.3. The Executive Board

The Executive Board of the Association consists of a president, a secretary, a treasurer, an OC-coordinator and director and a director for satellites, veterans and partnerships. After being voted the EB has to meet and divide the functions. The five members cannot be from the same satellite nor the same nationality. In case of having no other option than having two candidates with the same nationality, an extra vote on that specific situation is needed. All members of the EB have a mandate of one year. Therefore, each new EB has an experience period from the GA until the next event. During this period, the newly elected EB will work together with the previous EB. The preceding EB is obliged to assist the new Eb until the first AC or TFM has been organised. They are elected during the General Assembly and start their mandate immediately the following year. An individual member of the Association cannot be a member of the EB for more than three full terms.

3.3.1 The members of the EB have to fulfil two conditions:

  1. Have already attended one AC and one GA before they run
  2. During their mandate, they cannot be in any other official body within the Association

3.3.2. The Executive Boardğs (EB) main duties are:

  1. To monitor the activities of the Stichting FEJS International and to monitor the Secretariat, Satellites and other participants that act in the name of the Association
  2. The EB is obliged to assist the local Satellites and organizing committees with events organized in the name of the Association, required that the events have been approved by the EB and the SEC
  3. The EB should be represented at all events organized by the Association
  4. It is obligatory for all EB members re-running or not, to be present at the GA Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  5. The EB has the mandate to act in the name of the Association, to open bank accounts and close, apply for funding and collect post in the name of the Association
  6. To act as a complaint board in case of disputes between the bodies within the Association or the Association and third parties
  7. To create a promotion plan for the Association in countries not represented
  8. Making sure that the GA can take place and providing FEJS related discussion points
  9. To write a comprehensive report from the Association General Assembly that must include all proposals, votes and discussions. The reports must be sent to the Secretariat within one month after the GA. The EB shall publish these reports on the restricted area of the Association’s website. The EB secretary is responsible for the content of the report and all members of the EB must be able to oversee and change the content of the report. If at least half of the countries represented at the GA agree that the report contains faults or is incorrect they may contact the SEC and ask for an emergency GA

3.2.3 The positions within the Executive Board (EB)

  1. The President
  • The President oversees the work of the EB but is not in any way more liable than the other members of the EB
  1. The Secretary
  • The Secretary is obliged to attend all board meetings if he or she cannot attend one of the directors shall perform his or her duties
  • The Secretary also must document all official board meetings accordingly and present them to the EB and send them to the Secretariat. In case that Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations there are several documentations during a meeting the Secretary of the EB is obliged to take them into account in the official report
  1. The Treasurer
  • The Treasurer supervises the SEC and monitors its activities concerning the budget of the Association and the use of finances, but is not responsible for managing the daily financial duties
  • The Treasurer has the right to intervene in the SEC’s actions if he is supported by the EB
  • The Treasurer is obliged to report to the rest of the EB about the Association’s finances monthly
  1. The OC-Coordinator (OCC)
  • The OCC is the main connection of information and communication between OC and EB
  • The OCC provides the OC with all necessary information, guidelines and documents regarding the upcoming event
  • The OCC supervises the OC’s actions and makes sure they are within the Statues and Rules and Regulations
  1. The Veterans, Sattelites, Cooperations-Coordinator (VSCC)
  • The VSCC is the main connection between SEC and satellites
  • The VSCC makes sure to keep sattelites updated about further actions of FEJS
  • The VSCC provides Sattelites with any assistance, information, guidelines, documents needed Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  • The VSCC is the main connection between EB and organisations that are connected to FEJS
  • The VSCC is obliged to keep existing colloberations alive and assures further shared policy-making
  • The VSCC provides collaboration partners with any information needed for further collaborations
  • The VSCC is the main connection between EB and veterans
  • The VSCC is obliged to build up a working network between veterans and FEJS participants, to build up and administrate a database of everything regarding the colloberation of FEJS and its veterans
  • The VSCC is always in conatct with the OCC to make sure veterans are implemented in the program of upcoming events, for example:
  1. Ask veterans to hold lectures, workshops etc.
  2. Ask veterans to attend as speakers during anniversaries and other important meetings
  3. Ask veterans to attend as honory participants

The EB can also perform the duties that are allocated to the Secretariat if needed. All decisions by the EB must be agreed by four out of five members to be valid Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations

3.4. The Secretariat

The Secretariat consists of at least two active members from the same country. It is elected by the SUB for an official term of two years, starting its mandate immediately. Therefore, each new Secretariat has an experience period from the GA until the next event. During this period, the newly elected Secretariat will work together with the previous Secretariat. The preceding SEC is obliged to assist the new SEC until the first AC or TFM has been organised if the new SEC or EB finds this necessary. The Secretary General chooses a substitute who is called the Vice-Secretary General (VSG). The VSG works in cooperation with the SG and acts as a substitute in case the SG is temporarily unable to fulfil his/her duties.

3.4.1. The SECs main duties are:

  1. To provide the continuity of the Association by collecting all the data. By doing that they assure the long term policy making
  2. To follow and accept all the activities and projects organised by the Association
  3. To implement the promotion plan in countries that are not represented
  4. To implement all the Associations international fundraising
  5. To implement the Associations PR/image strategy in cooperation with the EB
  6. To represent the Association corporate identity guidelines and to monitor adoption of these guidelines by all the Satellites and other Association Bodies
  7. To supervise that the name, visual look and image of the Association is not used without the approval of the SEC and the EB
  8. To inform the participants and the public about recent ongoing activities by e-mail, website and social media on a regular basis
  9. To maintain and update the Associations official website in the collaboration with the EB Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  10. To maintain, update and expand the databases and all the information archives of the Association
  11. To maintain and archive all reports, documents, participants, finances and receipts from all matters concerning the Association. These must be open for any participant of the events upon request after approval by the EB
  12. To keep a database of FEJS-Veterans up to date
  13. To do the participants application procedure for the Annual Congress and General Assembly
  14. To supervise the Solidarity Fund and grant funding from it approved by the EB
  15. The secretariat is responsible for the finances of the association, supervised by the treasurer
  16. The SEC is responsible for maintaining the Stichting FEJS international bank account. Only the EB has the right to open and close bank accounts of Stichting FEJS international
  17. The sec may transfer and receive money from third parts according to the rules & regulations, under the supervision of the EB. All finances and documents that the SEC deals with are open to the EB
  18. To collect project reports from both the Association and the Satellites annual reports and keep them in an organised database, which must be of easy access via the restricted area of the website
  19. To register the discussions, proposals and the results of the voting sessions at the General Assembly of the Association
  20. To be represented at the GA, AC and the Task Force Meeting(s)
  21. To be in continuous contact with the Executive Board concerning actions and decisions and allow the EB to check the crucial correspondence if requested Stichting FEJS International Rules and Regulations
  22. To inform the Executive Board on a monthly basis of the financial situation of the Association; a monthly report of the association’s finances must be handed over by the SEC to the treasurer on the first of every month
  23. To present the financial report including solidarity fund and activities of the past year and future year at the GA
  24. The Secretariat can nominate working groups to delegate specific tasks and projects that are their direct responsibility

The EB may veto the actions of the SEC if four out of five members vote for it.

3.5. The Stichting FEJS International Satellites

The Associations Satellites are local Stichting FEJS International structures that form the working basis of the Stichting FEJS International at a national level. The national level is usually defined by national borders. There can be an exception to this rule in order to combine two or more Stichting FEJS International Satellites. This can be approved by the EB when two-thirds of members of all groups involved support the combining. The second exception is splitting a national group into several Satellites within a nation. In this case two-thirds of the possible new group needs the approval of the EB.

In case of national-level problems which cannot be solved within the Satellite, the national group has to ask the EB for advice who decides on the grounds of the individual problem and the possible solution. If a long-term problem (such as cultural, social etc.) occurs, the EB is advised to approve the combining or splitting of the national group. If a short-term problem occurs within a national group (such as personal differences etc.), EB is advised not to approve the splitting or combining. Regional groups can be for a region, which does not have to correspond with geographical or political borders, a city or even a school. Decisions are made by the National Group.

The formation, structure and operation of the Stichting FEJS International Satellites should be implemented in the light of different national realities and will reflect the spirit and aims of the Stichting FEJS International and of these Rules & Regulations. It is the aim of the Stichting FEJS International to be geographically represented throughout Europe.

A group of journalism, media and/or communication students that want to form and establish a Satellite has to apply for the status as an official Satellite of the Association to the Secretariat and be approved by the EB. Thus the group can act in the name of the Stichting FEJS International until the next upcoming GA where the new Satellite has to present itself and receive the approval of the GA.

To be officially established a National Group must:

  1. Have its own Rules and Regulations based on the Stichting FEJS International international Statutes and R&R. Therefore, it must follow the Statutes concerning Satellites and articles 1 and 2 from these Rules and Regulations
  2. Be an official organisation in their country of origin, or have a similar status
  3. Be officially recognized by the GA as a Stichting FEJS International Satellite

3.5.1. The Satelliteğs main aims and duties are:

  1. To promote the Stichting FEJS International activities at the local level, and to increase the participation of students and journalism teaching institutions in these activities
  2. To realize the aims and goals of the Stichting FEJS International on a local level
  3. To organise Stichting FEJS International events and projects, local as well as international
  4. To maintain and promote communication between the Secretariat and educations in journalism, media and communication and among the Stichting FEJS International members from that country (and neighbouring countries in case there is no Satellite or National Coordinator there)
  5. To assist the Secretariat in their duties and responsibilities with issues that concern the Satellite and its neighbouring regions
  6. To follow the Stichting FEJS International Corporate Identity guidelines as stated in these Rules and Regulations and in the Statutes of the Association
  7. To provide an update twice a year a week prior to each event concerning their past activities and plans for the future. It is the EBs responsibility to make the activities report and future plan public in the best effective way, however, the Satellite must see to that its members can access the report at any time
  8. To attend the GA and hold a presentation of its activities, plans and finances of the past and for the upcoming year

In case a Satellite does not fulfil its tasks or acts against the Rules & Regulations or the Statutes of the Association, the EB has the right to intervene and take the steps deemed necessary the EB in cooperation with the SEC may refuse the Satellites right to act in the name of the Stichting FEJS International A full dismissal of the group must be voted on upon at a GA.

The SEC or the EB has the right to refuse the use of the Association’s name in context with events, competitions and fund-raisings if it sees that it is in conflict with the Rules and Regulations.

3.5.2. National Coordinators

In any country that has no official Satellite, the EB or the Secretariat in agreement with the EB can choose to nominate a National Coordinator, hereinafter referred to as an NC, who will represent the Stichting FEJS International in that country. As opposed to the Stichting FEJS International Satellites which can be formed under any regional criteria of their choosing, an NC will always represent a certain country or those parts of a country where no Stichting FEJS International Satellites are established. When a Satellite is formed on a nationwide basis, the position of NC will automatically disappear. A Satellite can candidate to fulfil the function of the NC of a certain country, if this Satellite is established in only part of that country and wishes to expand its field of communication, but not its field of activities. This must be agreed upon at a GA. In this case Satellites can still be founded in those regions where another Satellite only has the function of an NC, required that the Satellites cooperate and have annual meetings.

The National Coordinators main duties are:

  1. To promote the Stichting FEJS International activities at the local level, and to increase the participation of students and journalism, media and/or communication teaching institutions in these activities
  2. To enlarge its own activities in order to achieve the establishment of a National Group in his or her country
  3. To work in cooperation with the Secretariat for any matter related to his or her country, mainly to maintain and promote communication between the Secretariat and the Universities and members from that country
  4. The National Coordinator is urged to promote the Association in neighbouring countries if there are no members, an NC or a Satellite in that country

3.6. Dismissing a FEJS Stichting International Body or Body Member or excluding a specific participant

3.6.1. Resignation of a Stichting FEJS International Body or Body Member

When an Association Body or Body Member resigns from its position, it is its or his or her obligation to fulfil its or his or her duties until a replacement is elected by the GA, to ensure the continuity of the Stichting FEJS International, unless another board member can take over the duties. A resignation should be made public within a week before the next event takes place, and within a week after the resignation to the EB and the SEC.

The SUB can dismiss an Association Body or Body Member if it, he or she has harmed the good name of the Association or has harmed the organisation in any other way. This can include:

  1. Abuse of power.
  2. Unauthorized use of the name of the Association.
  3. Obscure financial transactions.
  4. Disrespect for these Rules and Regulations or the Statutes of the Association etc.

The EB and the SEC have the right to exclude certain participants who do not follow the program of the events or break the Rules and Regulations. A participant can be excluded with a minimum of the 2/3 of the votes of the EB and the SEC and will be banned for at least the next two upcoming events.

3.6.2. Motion for Dismissal

A motion for dismissal can be put forward by a shared request of four EB members, at least half of the members of the SEC, or by a request supported by at least five countries within the Association. The GA has to decide on the motion as soon as possible.

3.6.4. Procedures of dismissal

A proposal for dismissal must be presented to the SUB one day before voting. An emergency GA may be called upon for a dismissal. Each party involved has to be provided with an equal opportunity to present its case in front of the GA. If the party refuses or is not able to attend the GA, it should be provided with the means to present its case anyways (via email or any other way). The Body or Member must receive notice of the proposal of dismissal within a week before the voting. The SUB will decide by a two-thirds majority via secret ballot. The body or body member dismissed continues to fulfil its or his or her duties until a replacement is elected.

  1. Stichting FEJS International Partnerships Ě Co-operations, Partnerships and Sponsors

The Association should promote cooperation, partnership and contact with Universities, University Colleges, individual professors, teachers, or other Journalism or Communication educations on both national and international level. Partnerships on a regional level require a consultation with local Satellites if these exist. The Association may also initiate cooperation or partnerships with corporations, companies and other organisations as long as they promote the journalistic values of the Association, follow the Statutes and R&R, and are supported at the GA. The OCs are recommended avoiding sponsors at events that do not support the values of the Association, especially if they intervene with the schedule of the AssociationĜs events.

4.1. Activities

The aim of all the Stichting FEJS International European activities is to create an international understanding among journalism students, people working with journalism or communication and likeminded by doing so to also promote the Association on a local and international level.

The Association’s activities are organised by the Association bodies or individuals. The organizer of the event is an Organising Committee (OC) consisting of a group of students and volunteers of at least one university or college, or members of the Association. The OC organises the event in cooperation with the Association’s Secretariat and the EB. The head of the OC is elected at the GA.

4.1.1 The duties and powers of the OC are:

  1. To sign the contract including the Rules and Regulation for organising the event. For an AC the contract has to be signed 1 year prior to the event. For the GA the contract has to be signed 6 months prior to the event. This has to be signed by every OC member
  2. To organise an event in accordance with the R&R and the Statutes of the Association
  3. To gather financial means for the implementation of the event
  4. To prepare the program and three information letters for the event
  5. To provide food and lodging for accepted participants during the event
  6. To report to the Secretariat and the EB on the working progress
  7. To inform the Secretariat and the EB of their budget plan and financial situation on a regular basis starting at least three months prior to the event
  8. To submit a Project Report to the Secretariat two months after the event
  9. To be in close contact with the SEC and the EB during the process, if not the EB has the right to stop the process of organising or replace the OC members
  10. To help participants with practical issues related to an event arranged in the name of the Association

4.1.2 The duties and powers of the SEC during events:

  1. To manage the applications and selection of participants during events
  2. To be in charge of the application procedure in association with the EB and the OC, including sending out the invitation letters, acceptance letters, confirmation letters and rejections
  3. To be in charge of the finances of the Participation Fee and Solidarity Fund, including collecting the PF and distributing the Solidarity Fund
  4. To be in charge of the association’s finances during and after the event, but not the finances of the National Group arranging the event
  5. To support the National Groups financially and legally for events if the EB and the SEC together deems it necessary, and under certain circumstances, within the financial limitations of the Association
  6. To advise the OCs with raising funds if needed

4.1.3 The duties and powers of the EB during events:

  1. To work closely with the OC during, before and after the event including advice with logistical and other issues
  2. To advise participants as much as possible with practical issues if needed during and before the event, if the OC cannot be of sufficient help
  3. To provide the necessary information on possible international funding
  4. To work with the OC concerning lectures, workshops and events during TFMs, ACs, labs and GAs. The EB has the right to refuse any activities suggested by the OC at an event arranged in the name of the Association if it is not in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, or if the EB by full majority rejects the suggested activity.
  5. To lobby with possible partners etc.
  6. To hold a presentation of the Association at events (FEJS for Beginners or similar).
  7. To organize a fund-raising auction in co-operation with the OC at the events.

Note: The General Assembly (see Article 4.1.) and the Annual Congress are events of general importance for the Stichting FEJS International.

4.2. The Annual Congress

The Annual Congress (AC) is held every year in spring unless the GA votes for a different date. The AC is organised by an Organising Committee (OC). Every General Assembly elects a new OC for the Annual Congress of the 2nd upcoming year. All the candidates for the OC have to prepare and present their candidacy at the GA. The candidacy should include:

  1. An organisation and working plan for the project
  2. A realistic estimation budget
  3. A clear structure of the OC, its members and its future responsibilities. If the candidate OC cannot provide the above, it has to motivate this
  4. Ideally, an OC should consist of at least five members

4.2.1 The duties and responsibilities of the OC during an event:

  1. To organise the AC in close cooperation with the EB and the Secretariat
  2. To set a limit for the number of participants in cooperation with the EB
  3. To report on a regular basis to the Secretariat and the Executive Board on the working progress. The OC is entitled to take decisions on its internal affairs on its own (The OC is entitled to take its own decisions in accordance with 4.1.3)
  4. To inform the Secretariat and the Executive Board on their financial situation on a regular basis from the moment the OC is formed or upon demand by the SEC or the EB

If conflicts occur within the OC, or with the Associations Bodies, Statutes or Rules and Regulations, the OC must take the issue to the EB that will decide in the matter how to proceed.

4.2.2. The AC Participants

The participants of the Annual Congress are primarily majors in journalism or students attending courses in journalism, media and/or communication. If interested, also others can participate in the AC. If there are no places available for the entire SEC, at least 3 of its representatives have the right to participate at the AC. A small number of places should be reserved for guests, observers and participants with special status both for partnership, PR or institutional reasons. Honorary, alumni and affiliated participants of the Association and/or professional journalists are also included in this group. This group should not be larger than 10% of the whole all participants. Application procedure

The participant application and selection procedures are the responsibilities of the Secretariat in accordance with point 4.1.2. In the participant selection process, the Secretariat will strive for a maximum diverse and balanced representation of educational facilities, countries and the Associations Satellites. When making the final decisions, the SEC and the EB can consult the heads of the Stichting FEJS International Satellites and/or NCs.

The decision by the SEC and the EB concerning participants at events organized by the Stichting FEJS International is final and cannot be overruled, except by calling an emergency GA. Applicants must follow all deadlines set by the EB and the SEC for the event. If an applicant is not accepted, he or she has the right to contact the SEC and/or the EB to ask for motivation on why he or she was refused. The SEC is obligated to help applicants with Visa-issues, additionally participants that respected the Statutes and R&R and have been present at all activities during the event must receive a certificate of attendance.

4.3. The Lab

The FEJS Lab is an event-oriented to professional and advanced level apprentices. The main purpose of a Lab is to provide participants with practical experience of journalism and to help improve participants’ technical skills. The Lab is also one of the tools to help develop the Satellites. The FEJS Lab has no time restrictions. The FEJS Lab can be organised with regional, national or international perspective, addressing any journalism-related issue.

4.4. Other Activities

Any other Stichting FEJS International projects on a local or European level can be launched in accordance with these Rules and Regulations and the Statutes of the Association.

For example:

  • Task Force Meeting
  • Cultural Field Trip

4.5. Final Report

After every international FEJS event, the OC must write a final report. The report must include:

  1. The name and the dates of the event
  2. The program
  3. A list of participants
  4. A list of lecturers
  5. A summary of the content
  6. The final outcomes of the project
  7. A self-evaluation
  8. A feedback form completed by the participants
  9. A complete financial report
  10. The financial status at the time the report is filed

The report should be presented to the EB and the Sec at the latest one month after the event is finished. It is the EBĜs responsibility to make it public in the best effective way, except for the financial report and list of participants, which should not be disclosed publicly but should be posted in the restricted area on the website.

  1. The FEJS Solidarity Fund (SF)

The FEJS Solidarity Fund (SF) is a fund which supports participants with financial issues to attend the events of the Association. It is a way of stimulating the participation of participants that could otherwise not be represented at these events. The SF is funded by participation fees from events, and solidarity auctions organised at events and from other sources. The SF is managed by the Secretariat. The SF is primarily in use for ACs and GAs, but the EB and the Sec may decide to implement it at other events if the finances of the Association support it. Participants who get the solidarity fund are asked to do something in return.

5.1.1. Criteria to get financial support from the SF

All members can apply for SF if financial support is needed to participate in an event. The Secretariat decides upon possible funding and the amount, supervised by the EB. Financial support can only be applied for travel costs and possible VISA fees required to attend an event, provided that the travel arrangements are at the lowest cost possible and have to prove that. The total amount of funding provided to applicants is in relation to the finances of the Association. The applicants agree on fulfilling individual journalistic tasks given by the EB during the event. The SEC and the EB obtain the right to refuse the funding to an applicant.

5.1.2. Procedure to Apply for the SF

An application for the SF financial support is valid only if the official request has been written on the Solidarity Fund Application Form.

The request has to contain:

  1. Required information about the applicant
  2. A description of the applicant’s financial situation and an explanation of why financial means are needed
  3. A detailed budget of the applicantĜs trip and participation to the given event
  4. A description of the attempts to obtain financial support elsewhere

The SF request form must be attached to the Application Form for the given event the deadline for applying to the SF for support is the same as for applying for the given FEJS event.

5.1.3. The use of Solidarity Fund money

  1. The funding provided to applicants is limited to a maximum of 70% of all travel costs
  2. Participants who get money from the SF need to provide receipts of transportation costs to obtain the funding
  3. Participants who benefit from SF are obliged to follow the entire program of the event. If the applicant doesn’t respect this rule, the SEC has the right to refuse to pay the SF
  4. The SF will be handed over at the end of the event which the applicant is attending


5.1.4. Interpretation of the articles 5, 5.1.1., 5.1.2 & 5.1.3.

The Association’s Secretariat is authorized to interpret these articles and make decisions about individual applicants for the SF means, based on the guidelines listed above. The Executive Board supervises the management of the Solidarity Fund and the SEC’s decisions in accordance with this Statute and the Statutes of the Association.

  1. Stichting FEJS International Corporate Identity

The identity of the Association is stated in the Statutes.

  1. Changes in the Rules and Regulations

Changes of the Rules and Regulations can be put forward by the EB or by a request supported by at least five countries within the Association.

Every change has to be openly discussed during the GA and only comes into force by a positive vote of at least two-thirds of present delegations.

The last changes and in the Rules and Regulations are made by the Executive Board (EB) 2015/2016 from 12th to 14th of September 2016 in Riga, Latvia.

This EB consisted of the following persons:

  • Romana Biljak Gerjevi (SLO)
  • Iris Hendriks (NL)
  • Hanna Karlson (FIN)
  • Marnix van Roosbroeck (B)
  • Severin Rosenberger (A)

Assisting: Chaim Schorpion (B)

The Rules and Regulations came into force during the GA Riga 2016 after a positive vote by 14 of 14 present delegations on the 18th of September 2016.