Cafébabel – The first multilingual European online magazine, gives the floor to the ‘eurogeneration’. Join our teams of citizen journalists – we’re dotted across Europe, from Brussels to Vilnius via Seville and Athens, with the headquarter in Paris

The European Youth Press (EYP) is a network of young media makers with 26 member organisations, gathering 60,000+ young journalists. EYP strives to promote the role of youth media and the freedom of press in Europe and beyond. EYP manages projects and events such as the European Youth Media Days, organises seminars and represents young journalists in Europe, publishes Orange Magazine and much more.

EJTA or the European Journalism Training Association was established in Brussels in 1990. It groups about 60 journalism centers, schools and universities from 24 countries across Europe. They work together to improve journalism education in Europe, enabling members to collaborate on exchanges and teaching and research projects, and meet regularly to exchange ideas and information. The most important aim of the Association is to stimulate European co-operation in journalism education and mid-career training between non-profit training centers, and to develop a professional approach towards journalism training.